Laser LANAP Surgery

Hope for Hopeless Teeth™

The LANAP® protocol is the world’s first and ONLY dental laser procedure FDA cleared and scientifically proven to regenerate bone and tissues lost to gum disease, helping to save your natural teeth. Compared with traditional surgery, the “no cut, no sew, no fear” LANAP® Protocol is more comfortable with faster recovery and less post-op sensitivity, swelling and gum recession.

LANAP is a paradigm shifting periodontal surgery that we now offer. LANAP stands for Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure. This is an FDA approved procedure that has been shown to have remarkable benefits in treating periodontal disease. Use of Millennium Dental’s NdYAG Periolase Laser eliminates the need for invasive scalpel surgery and sutures. This new tool uses a very fine fiber that is placed between the tooth and gum. The PerioLase fiber delivers a specific wavelength of energy that reduces the presence of harmful bacteria that live in the pocket between your teeth and gums. The laser also penetrates and kills bacteria that have invaded gum tissue and bone. In addition the laser removes unhealthy tissue without harming healthy tissue. The LANAP protocol has been carefully developed and has been used with great success and improved patient comfort and acceptance for over a decade. The techniques developed for LANAP periodontal surgery can be applied to local areas of gum disease. With the wide range of settings this NdYAG laser is helpful in a myriad of other procedures, both surgical and non-surgical. For example we are able to comfortably use this laser to enhance the value of your routine dental cleanings and periodontal maintenance visits with laser pocket disinfection.

Initial treatment options

In the early stages of gum disease, you may be offered a Laser Pocket Disinfection or Scaling/root planing (SR/P). SR/P is also commonly called 'deep cleaning.

Laser pocket disinfection (LPD)

Laser pocket disinfection (LPD) is a painless, patient-friendly procedure using a dental laser such as the PerioLase MVP-7. If you have gingivitis, LPD can help reverse symptoms. With LPD, laser light passes through the healthy tissues and targets and destroys bacteria and toxins that cause inflammation and gum disease. As a result, gums are healthier. LPD also can be used to treat patients as part of a perio-maintenance program.


Generally less painful, and may be more effective at killing bacteria.

What to watch for:

Make sure your hygienist/dentist has taken proper education courses and is using the correct dental laser for the procedure. There are multiple types of lasers in dentistry with different uses.

Advanced treatment options

If initial treatment is not successful, or if your gum disease is identified in a later stage, your dentist may recommend gum disease surgery.

Osseous surgery

In traditional surgery, a periodontist uses a scalpel to cut your gums and fold them back. This allows the doctor to access to the tooth root to clean the target from the tooth and view the alveolar bone. If needed, the bone may be reshaped, and bone graft material is placed in the surgical site. The top of the gums may be cut back to make the pocket less deep and easier to keep clean. The gums are sewn back together. Dental laser is used to kill the bacteria in the pocket. Some states allow hygienists to use lasers, while other states only allow dentists to perform procedures using lasers.


The classic treatment for advanced gum disease, generally done by a specialist with additional years of dental school.

What to watch for:

This surgery may cause your gums to recede, exposing more of your tooth root and leading to increased sensitivity.

Scaling & root planing

During SRP, the hygienist uses metal instruments to scrape away the tarter and calculus on the root surface. Depending upon your dentist, an antibacterial gel may be applied, or an antibacterial rinse prescribed.


One of the industry's most commonly accepted ways to treat early gum disease.

What to watch for:

Patients may experience discomfort, treatment may not remove bacteria.

What is Laser Periodontal Therapy™?

Laser Periodontal Therapy™ is a laser based technique for the treatment of periodontal disease using the Millennium Dental Technologies, Inc., PerioLase Laser. Fear of periodontal treatment vanishes when patients find out no scalpel or sutures will be used. Patient friendly laser treatment gets patients to agree to the treatment they need and continue with the follow-up care that is prescribed.

Our office is one of the first in the area to offer Laser Periodontal Therapy'' for the treatment of gingivitis and/or periodontitis. Following are commonly asked questions about this technology.

How does it work?

Tartar, associated with inflamed and bleeding gums, is removed form the root surface of the tooth using an ultrasonic scaler and small.

Then, a small amount of light energy from a laser is directed through a tiny fiber, which is gently placed between the gum and tooth. This light energy removes a tiny amount of diseased tissue and aids in reducing the bacteria associated with the disease. After the area is thoroughly cleaned, the body can heal the area naturally.

Does it hurt?

Although the procedure itself can be virtually painless, we may anesthetize the area for the patient's comfort. In this way we can precisely direct the laser for treatment. Post-procedure discomfort is typically minimal and of short duration.

How long does it take?

Initial treatment is focused on scaling and the use of small instruments to remove the tartar. Then, the laser portion of the treatment is performed and normally only takes a few minutes. Depending on the severity of the patient's periodontal disease, treatment may be accomplished in one office visit or in multiple visits. The estimated treatment time is reviewed with patients when we discuss their treatment plan.

Does this treatment cost more than traditional gum surgery?

Typically we use the same billing codes as traditional gum surgery and the laser treatment is generally no more expensive than traditional surgery. There are other factors which may affect the cost, such as the severity of the periodontal disease, and how many teeth are involved. Many insurance plans pay only for a portion of this treatment. Patients should discuss their payment options with the dental office personnel as we offer financing for this treatment.

How long does it take?

Initial treatment is focused on scaling and the use of small instruments to remove the tartar. Then, the laser portion of the treatment is performed and normally only takes a few minutes. Depending on the severity of the patient's periodontal disease, treatment may be accomplished in one office visit or in multiple visits. The estimated treatment time is reviewed with patients when we discuss their treatment plan.

Does this treatment cost more than traditional gum surgery?

Typically we use the same billing codes as traditional gum surgery and the laser treatment is generally no more expensive than traditional surgery. There are other factors which may affect the cost, such as the severity of the periodontal disease, and how many teeth are involved. Many insurance plans pay only for a portion of this treatment. Patients should discuss their payment options with the dental office personnel as we offer financing for this treatment.

The dramatically increased comfort for our patients made the new system attractive to our office. We do encourage patients to take care of the need now to reduce further damage to their gums, teeth and bone.

LAR Laser Assisted Regeneration for Laser on an implant

True Periodontal Regeneration

Periodontal regeneration-true regeneration of the attachment apparatus (new cementum, new periodontal ligament, and new alveolar bone) on a previously diseased root surface when used specifically in the LANAP Protocol.

The LAPIP® Protocol for Saving Ailing & Failing Implants

The LAPIP protocol is a minimally-invasive approach to treating ailing and failing dental implants.

The LAPIP protocol utilizes the unique PerioLase® MVP-7™, a Nd:YAG free running pulsed laser requiring specific knowledge and skills derivative of the LANAP protocol.

To you, the patient, this means:

  • Protect implant investment
  • No cutting
  • No bone grafting
  • No stiches
  • Less pain
  • Less tissue removed
  • Less down time
  • Less recovery time
  • Less bleeding
  • Less swelling

The LAPIP protocol:

• Allows removal of diseased tissue without removing any of the healthy tissue

• Eliminates the infection

• Helps maintain the height of the tissue around implants

• Minimizes pain and discomfort to the patient

• Closes the periodontal pocket wound to allow healing to take place

The LAPIP protocol is a no-risk first line treatment that preserves other treatment options. Controlling peri-implant disease makes it possible to save and protect your implant investment.

Treatment Procedure

A) Periodontal probe indicates excessive pocket depth

B) PerioLase® MVP-7™ laser energy selectively vaporizes bacteria, endotoxins, and diseased tissues; and removes titanium corrosion contaminants in soft tissue around implant

C) Ultrasonic scaler tips remove debris from implant

D) Bone is modified to release stem cells

E) PerioLase MVP-7 finishes cleaning pocket, stimulates natural growth factors, and aids in sealing pocket closed so new germs cannot enter

F) Healing of gums to clean surface occurs

G) Bite trauma is adjusted

H) Regeneration of bone around implant

What is gum disease?

Bay area, your new dentist is here to answer any of your questions!

Contact us today!

Created by DearDoc

All Rights Reserved Larry Napolitano, D.D.S

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