Home > Patient Resources > OPost Operative Instructions
You have had a rapid palatal expander (RPE) placed on the top arch of teeth.
Instructions for use:
You will begin to see a gap form in between the two upper front teeth. This indicates that the expander IS WORKING! We want to see a gap form.
Congratulations! You have had your braces placed today. Here are some general instructions for you to refer to. If there is anything not covered, please feel free to call our office.
In general, avoid anything very hard or sticky! These foods may loosen bands or break off brackets from the teeth causing damage and delay in your treatment. Cut your foods into small pieces and chew slowly and carefully to avoid breaking, bending or loosening your appliances (braces). Specifically, avoid eating the following: Chewing gum, candy, apples, taffy, peanut brittle, caramels, hard candies. Also avoid biting: Hard cookies, hard rolls, nuts, bones (non. veg), ribs, and pizza crust. Don't chew on: ice, pens or pencils. There are still many foods you may enjoy, if you are just careful: apples, pears, raw carrots, celery, corn on the cob, crusty bread sandwiches, bagels and meat on a bone can be cut up in small pieces or strips and eaten on your back teeth. Pizza is okay. Just use your knife and fork instead of your front teeth!
Careful tooth brushing is of critical importance. Braces trap food, bacteria and plaque that can cause tooth decay, gum disease, and leave permanent marks (decalcification), which will never come off the teeth! Brush after every meal and before bedtime. Pay special attention to the gum line and the area between the braces and gums. Using floss with the help of floss threaders is also very important during treatment. Keep your braces and teeth clean! A fluoride mouth rinse is highly recomended, we strongly advise an electric water P.K. toothbrush
If the bands scratch your lips, gums, cheeks or tongue, place a small
piece of wax over the sharp spot after drying of the area. Usually, such irritations disappear after a few days. You can also use a small piece of wet tissue instead of wax.
In general soreness lasts from 3-7 days and will improve, we promise. If you need to take ibuprofen or Tylenol, that is fine. If a wire starts poking or a bracket has come off, call our office to let us know.
You have a 4 pack of Vivera retainers. Most people can expect 9-12 months of use out of 1 retainer.
-Your jaw should be slightly opened. Avoid clenching your teeth together
-Avoid opening very large
-Avoid really hard to chew foods
Congratulations! You have had your braces placed today. Here are some general instructions for you to refer to. If there is anything not covered, please feel free to call our office.
In general, avoid anything very hard, tough, or sticky! These foods may loosen bands or break off brackets from the teeth causing damage and delay in your treatment. Cut your foods into small pieces and chew slowly and carefully to avoid breaking, bending or loosening your appliances (braces). Specifically, avoic eating the following: Chewing gum, candy, apples, taffy, peanut brittle, caramels, har candies. Also avoid biting: Hard cookies, hard rolls, nuts, bones (non. veg), ribs, and pizza crust. Don't chew on: ice, pens or pencils. There are still many foods you may enjoy, if you are just careful: apples, pears, raw carrots, celery, corn on the cob, crusty bread sandwiches, bagels and meat on a bone can be cut up in small pieces or strips and eaten on your back teeth. Pizza is okay. Just use your knife and fork instead of your front teeth!
Careful tooth brushing is of critical importance.
Braces trap food, bacteria and plaque that can cause tooth decay, gum disease, and leave permanent marks (decalcification), which will never come off the teeth! Brush after every meal and before bedtime. Pay special attention to the gum line and the area between the braces and gums. Using floss with the help of floss threaders is also very important during treatment. Keep your braces and teeth clean! A fluoride mouth rinse is highly recommended (i.e. Act). We strongly advise an electric waterpik toothbrush.
If the brackets scratch your lips, gums, cheeks or tongue, place a small piece of wax over the sharp spot after drying off the area. Usually, such irritations disappear after a few days. You can also use a small piece of wet tissue instead of wax.
In general soreness lasts from 3-7 days and will improve, we promise. If you need to take ibuprofen or Tylenol, that is fine. If a wire starts poking or a bracket has come off, call our office to let us know.
Today you had a deep cleaning done. You will be numb for at least another hour. Please be careful with hot food or beverages as you may burn yourself. Eat something soft if you need food so you do not accidentally bite your tongue or lip.
Things that may apply to you:
PERIDEX RINSE - if the doctor or hygienist recommended using the prescribed Peridex rinse please use as directed. The typical recommended use is:
PREVIDENT TOOTHPASTE- Often times a prescription of Prevident toothpaste will be recommended. Use this toothpaste instead of your regular toothpaste. It helps prevent cavities and tooth sensitivity.
(if prescribed Peridex rinse as well, rinse first then brush with the Prevident)
ARESTIN ANTIBIOTIC - you may have had Arestin placed in specific deep pockets next to 1 or more teeth. If this is the case the doctor or hygienist will show you which teeth. It is important to not floss those areas for 7 days. It is a slow-release antibiotic, and we want it to stay in place as long as possible.
A huge THANK YOU to our amazing patients and the Milpitas community for your support!