Post Operative Instructions

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  • After Care Gum Surgery 
  • Implant After Care        
  • Temporary Crown or Bridge           
  • Rapid Palatal Expander    
  • Orthodontic Patients                                                      
  • Night Guard Home Use
  • Invisalign                                                          
  • Vivera Retainers                                
  • Extraction AfterCare                                
  • Extraction and Denture Delivery
  • TMJ Home Care    
After Care Gum Surgery 
  1. You have had recent bone/gum surgery
  2. There are stitches in place to aid in healing
  3. Do not rinse forcefully for 3 days
  4. Take ibuprofen, 600mg every 5-6 hours as needed to control pain to keep swelling down
  5. Rinse gently with Peridez 3 times a day for 5 days
  6. Avoid spicy, crunchy or salty foods- it can sting or poke the area
  7. Use the extra soft toothbrush provided and brush the area gently
  8. If a stich becomes long, do not pull it. Trim it or come in for us to trim
  9. Do not use an electric brush in the area for 3-5 days
Implant After Care        
  1. Be careful, you will be numb for about another 1-2 hours. Do not eat anything or drink any hot liquids (you may burn yourself).
  2. There are stitches in place. Please do not pull or tug on the string. If one becomes long and loose you can carefully trim it. You may be scheduled back in 2 weeks to remove any remaining stitches
  3. Please take all prescribed medications- especially the antibiotic. We do not want the implant to get infected. Some patients need the pain medication for the first 3 days, most less.
  4. Brush and floss carefully in the area for the first 3-5 days. After that you may resume normal hygiene in that area- a clean area heals better! 
  5. The first few days do not eat foods that are too spicy or salty, it will sting. 
  6. Call the office if you need anything. 

Temporary Crown or Bridge           
  1. You had your tooth (teeth) prepped for a crown or bridge today.
  2. A temporary crown or bridge is in place while the lab fabricates your permanent. (approx. 2 weeks)
  3. The temp is made of a plastic resin. You may chew normal foods, but avoid hard, crunchy or sticky food so you do not break or pull the temporary off. (almonds, gum, jerky)
  4. The temp needs to stay in place to hold your tooth and surrounding teeth from moving. IF it breaks call us to remake. IF it falls off, put a small spot of toothpaste in it, put it in place and call us.
  5. Floss gently to avoid pulling the temp off. Pull the floss out the side of your tooth instead of back up through the contact.
  6. Call us with any questions

Rapid Palatal Expander    

You have had a rapid palatal expander (RPE) placed on the top arch of teeth. 

Instructions for use: 

  1. Turn the key two movements once per day, as instructed 
  2. Some discomfort is to be expected. Patient may take ibuprofen or Tylenol as needed. 
  3. Turn the expander for 14 days. 
  4. We will check you back in roughly two weeks. 

You will begin to see a gap form in between the two upper front teeth. This indicates that the expander IS WORKING! We want to see a gap form.

Orthodontic Patients                                                      

Congratulations! You have had your braces placed today. Here are some general instructions for you to refer to. If there is anything not covered, please feel free to call our office.


In general, avoid anything very hard or sticky! These foods may loosen bands or break off brackets from the teeth causing damage and delay in your treatment. Cut your foods into small pieces and chew slowly and carefully to avoid breaking, bending or loosening your appliances (braces). Specifically, avoid eating the following: Chewing gum, candy, apples, taffy, peanut brittle, caramels, hard candies. Also avoid biting: Hard cookies, hard rolls, nuts, bones (non. veg), ribs, and pizza crust. Don't chew on: ice, pens or pencils. There are still many foods you may enjoy, if you are just careful: apples, pears, raw carrots, celery, corn on the cob, crusty bread sandwiches, bagels and meat on a bone can be cut up in small pieces or strips and eaten on your back teeth. Pizza is okay. Just use your knife and fork instead of your front teeth!


Careful tooth brushing is of critical importance. Braces trap food, bacteria and plaque that can cause tooth decay, gum disease, and leave permanent marks (decalcification), which will never come off the teeth! Brush after every meal and before bedtime. Pay special attention to the gum line and the area between the braces and gums. Using floss with the help of floss threaders is also very important during treatment. Keep your braces and teeth clean! A fluoride mouth rinse is highly recomended, we strongly advise an electric water P.K. toothbrush


If the bands scratch your lips, gums, cheeks or tongue, place a small 

piece of wax over the sharp spot after drying of the area. Usually, such irritations disappear after a few days. You can also use a small piece of wet tissue instead of wax.


In general soreness lasts from 3-7 days and will improve, we promise. If you need to take ibuprofen or Tylenol, that is fine. If a wire starts poking or a bracket has come off, call our office to let us know.

Night Guard Home Use
  1. You have been delivered a nightguard today.
  2. The bite has been adjusted to be even and allow freedom of movement at night.
  3. If you have never worn a nightguard before, it may take a little time to get used to. It will help if you wear it for about 1 hour before bed while reading or watching t.v. This want will help you get used to the feeling and before long you won't wan sleep with out it.
  4. Cleaning the nightguard is important. When you brush your teeth in the morning se the extra toothpaste to also brush the nightguard inside and out. You may also purchase over the counter "denture/retainer" cleaning tablet from places like Target or Walgreens.
  5. Bring your nightguard to all dental visits. We can clean the appliance and also be sure it fits properly after dental work.
  6. Please call if you have any questions.

  1. Please wear your trays a minumum of 21 hours a day
  2. Each tray should be worn for 2 weeks each, unless otherwise advised
  3. the only 3 times you will be taking your trays out is(otherwise, they should always be in your mouth): To Eat,to drink anything besides water, while you are brushing your teeth
  4. If your trays are not in your mouth for any of the reasons above, they should be placed in the container they came with, NOT in a paper towel
  5. To clean your trays, you can simply brush them with your toothbrush after you are done brushing your teeth in the morning and night, leaving the leftover toothpaste on your toothbrush to clean them.
  6. Do not place your retainers in anything hot to clean or sterilize them, they will melt and or warp and will not fit your teeth correctly anymore (don't boil them/ stick them in the dish washer/leave in a hot car)
  7. Dogs LOVE to chew mouth appliances, always keep them in a safe place!
  8. ALWAYS save the last tray you just finished in case you lose the tray you are on. If you lose you a tray and you have been wearing that one for longer than 1 week you can move on to the next tray. If you lose the tray and it has been less than 1 week then go back to the tray you just finished and call our office immediately.
  9. If after a few days you are still having troubles removing aligners a removal tool called "Pul" can be bought on amazon to assist in removal

Vivera Retainers                                

You have a 4 pack of Vivera retainers. Most people can expect 9-12 months of use out of 1 retainer.

  1. Mark the date on pack #1 of when you begin using.
  2. In 9 months try in #2.
  3. If it is tight, then #1 is worn out and it is time to move on. If #1 and #2 feel about the same, you can get more time out of #1.
  4. Try the fit again in another 3 months.
  5. Bring your retainer to all dental visits. We can clean them and if you have any dental work done- assure the fit after.

Extraction AfterCare                                
  1. You have recently had a tooth removed
  2. Please keep biting firmly on the gauze for the next hour
  3. Sllight bleeding is normal, if you have excessive bleeding keep the gauze for an additional hour
  4. Any Excessive bleeding after that please call our office
  5. You will be numb for at least an hour. Please do not eat until the numbnmess is gone. Beverages should be room temp or cooler
  6. Ice periodicallyy for the rest of the day, 10 mins of ice and then 10 mins off. This will keep any swelling that you may have to a minumum
  7. Ibuprofen is the best medication for discomfort because it also keeps swelling down. You make take 600 mg every 5-6 hours.
  8. If doctor Napolitano has given you a prescription for an antibiotic, please finish it ALL.
  9. For the next 5 days. DO NOT use a straw or rinse forcefully. We want the blood to clot to stay in place
  10. For the next 2-3 days eat foods that are not too spicy, salty or hot (temperature). It may irritate the extraction site
  11. Crunchy or hard foods may poke the area, so it is best to avoid those as well
  12. We notice that many people just try to hard. Gently clean (NO ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH) gently rinse and eat carefully. YOur body will do the rest

Extraction and Denture Delivery
  1. You have recently had a tooth/teeth removed
  2. Any excessive bleeding please call our office
  3. You will be numb for at least an hour. Please do not eat until the numbness is gone. Beverages should be room temp or cooler
  4. For the next 5 days: DO NOT use a straw or rinse forcefully unless your denture is firmly in place. We want the blood clot to stay in place
  5. For the next 2-3 days eat foods that are not too spicy, salty or hot (temperature). It may irritate the extraction site
  6. Crunchy or hard foods may poke the area, so it is best to avoid those as well
  7. Keep your denture in as long as instructed- if you take them out, your gums may swell and it will be hard to put the denture back in.
  8. We notice that many people just try too hard. Gently clean, gently rinse and eat carefully. Your body will do the rest!
  9. More instructions will be given at your post operation visit.

TMJ Home Care    
  • Habit Awareness: "lips together/teeth apart" 

-Your jaw should be slightly opened. Avoid clenching your teeth together

-Avoid opening very large 

-Avoid really hard to chew foods 

  • Ibuprofen (or other prescribed anti-inflammatory) to reduce inflammation 
  • ce- Will reduce swelling in the joint and inflamed muscles 
  • Passive Stretching: Finger and Thumb to scissor jaw open to a stretch, hold for 10 seconds. Repeat about 3-4 times. Use a warm moist heat to help relax the muscles prior to the stretching. (you can ice after to help with soreness)

Created by DearDoc

All Rights Reserved Larry Napolitano, D.D.S

We Did It!


A huge THANK YOU to our amazing patients and the Milpitas community for your support!